Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Sounds (and Sights) Eclectico

Nortec (from the combination of "norteno" and "techno") is an electronic musical genre from Tijuana that first gained popularity in the late 1990s. Nortec music is characterized by hard dance beats and samples from traditional forms of Mexican music such as Banda sinaloense and Norteño - unmistakably Mexican horns are often used.

I fucken love horns.

Tonkhero and I went to a free KCRW-sponsored concert of the Nortec Collective as part of the Grand Performances at the California Plaza in Downtown LA. I love outdoor events that are free to the public. I truly think it's a great service.

We jammed to electronica dance music Tijuana-style yo. They totally rock.

Lastest Album.

We then migrated to Night Visions: MOCA After Dark (late hours every Saturday night in the summer), and drank and danced with the fucken hipsters. Despite my personal distaste for them, I do love their fashion. It's the only time I people-watch.

But it also gave me an excuse to check out the Robert Rauschenberg exhibit. Even though it's not my aestetic, I admire his use of so many random-ass materials to make his art. He'd use a neck tie, a stuffed eagle, all types of metals, door knobs, a tire, wires, mirrors... all types of bullshit. It's very masculine installation art, I think.

Here's one of my favorites because, it's like, who would think of this shit? Gotta give the man some credit.

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